The monster is more human, because it was not the monster's fault he was created. He did not ask for his fate but was forced into misery by his "father".
The monster was created and left alone with no one to teach it. He had no guidance to learn the language or culter, but instead taught himself. Humans learn from experience and teach themselves all the time. Frankenstein, however, did not care who he had to hurt to get the glory. He used his knowledge to create a being that would ruin his life, therefore becoming his own monster. He was totally emmersed in his studies that he ignored his friends and family. Human beings need fellowship and people so they aren't lonely.
When the monster killed William, Justine, Henry, and Elizabeth, he felt the guilt with each murderous act. He also felt remorse after and apologized for his brutal acts. Each time though, Frankenstein refused to admit to his crimes and tell anyone that he was at fault. He never manned up and took the consequences for creating the beast.
Franstein's monster did some pretty cruel things, but still acted more human-like than Frankenstein, even though he was the one with a face of a monster.
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