Sunday, May 20, 2012

You and Jr./Sr.

                I hear people talk all the time about how quickly your high school years fly by, but mine do not seem to be going fast enough. Now a senior, I am ready for college and the next important years of my life.

                Junior year was definitely a tough one. Having a bittersweet ending to the volleyball season at the state tournament when Wynne beat us out in the first round was disappointing. Also the crazy piles of homework, from Pre-AP history and Pre Calc were not fun. However, overall it was not too difficult of a schedule, academically wise. This revelation was relieving considering all the warning I got about it being the toughest year. Thank goodness for study halls! My favorite class by far was anatomy. I really enjoyed dissecting things until it became an everyday thing with the pig, but I plan on exploring this field more in college. I also had a great soccer season going undefeated in conference, and going to the second round in state. I could not have asked for a better team.

                I am so excited to finally be able to say I’m a senior. Just one more year, and I’ll be off to college to learn new things and meet new people. I’m really excited about not having too difficult of classes next year; only really needing an English credit to graduate takes some pressure off.  Having more privileges will also make the year more bearable, such as signing out when you turn 18 and leaving campus for lunch periods. I cannot wait to graduate with the Batesville class of 2013!

You and Survival

                   Survival, the fact of remaining alive or in existence, but to some the word survival ignites an animal-like instinct that is difficult to ignore. Going to crazy measure to ensure life tomorrow will always be a human priority. With so many jobs centered on prolonging life, death is not something most people look forward to. They will go to great measures to ensure not only their life, but others as well. When it comes to my survival, I believe I would do all sorts of things.

                My survival tops a lot of other priorities, but putting my life before someone else’s is not something I could easily do. Sure, in self defense, I would not think about it twice. In The Guardian, a movie focused on the coast guard, there is a perfect example of selfish survival instincts. At the beginning of the movie the story opens with a husband and wife that are stranded in the ocean and when the main character tries to save them the husband uses his wife as a flotation device putting her life at risk. In those shear panic situations, it is hard to imagine what I would do. Thinking about the scenario I cannot imagine doing that, but in the heat of the moment will my thoughts be just as rational?

I can definitely say, if put in the situation of being kidnapped or taken, I would not just “go quietly.” I would put up a fight and do everything I could to get away, not only physically but mentally trying everything to fake out my kidnappers and escape. Ultimately, I would rather be difficult and fight than let them take me, even if I lost and it meant a sooner death. Battling my attackers, I would not rest and I feel sorry for anyone who decides to mess with me.

One day I will be met with a situation that maybe could put my life at risk. I think, the way I react to that situation will say a lot about my character. Will fear take over my senses, or will I have enough sense to think logically and come up with the best solution?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Survivor Essay

Six Word Slant
  • Doctors: Lengths they go to save lives.

  • Doctors are forced to maintain composure as they perform surgeries and check ups that determine whether a person will live to see tomorrow. (139)
    In Jack London’s The Call of the Wild, the reader explores the life of Buck, a domesticated dog gone wild. While forced to adapt to his ferine surroundings, Buck also learns that sometimes difficult choices must be made to save yourself or others. Buck’s job, like a doctors’, entails looking out for everyone involved. Doctors are forced to maintain composure as they perform surgeries and checkups that determine whether a person will live to see tomorrow.
    Sometimes doctors have to ignore the rules and break down walls in the medicine field to save a life.’s article “Vodka-Drip Feed Saves Unconscious Tourist” by Jessica Marszalek convey that doctors do not stop looking for ways to save their patient even when treatment is “unconventional” but “successful, with the patient having now made a full recovery.” Dr. Gelperowicz and Dr. Fraser use a case of vodka to save a dying tourist’s life. Instead of accepting death for this patient, the two doctors fought to find an alternative to the needed dosage of “100 percent-grade alcohol” when the supply ceased to subsist. Madison Park’s “Saving a Life: A Doctor’s Duty--A Husband’s too” CNN article tells of a tragic story where a man’s calmness may have saved his wife’s life. When Tim Delgado woke up to find his wife was having a seizure, he didn’t stop to worry about the possible formidable consequences, but trachead her throat and was calm in a time of disaster. Some rules for doctors need to be broken occasionally to look out for the patient’s best interest.

    Doctors are selfless people, not only putting time and effort into making someone healthy, but sometimes putting their own life at risk as well. In “Doctor put her own life on the line for patients” by Colleen Cason, a story of a persistent and brave doctor that took the “unconventional path” takes form. Dr. Claudia Jenson after developing cancer and checking into the hospital, “[kept] up her practice from her bed.” Refusing to let her patients go untreated, Jenson did not have time for sick days. According to Madison Park, Dr. Delgado’s instincts as a doctor kicked in to save his patient even though she was his wife, Alison, he has to save. Ignoring what some would say his better judgment in not treating a loved one, an unwonted task, Delgado knew Alison’s life was in his hands and only he could save her. Once in awhile a doctor is faced with the choice in doing what is best for themselves or their patient, and most will say their patient’s life is the most important.

    In a rough economy, doctors cannot be looking out for a sick patient’s well-being; all they care about is their next paycheck. Colleen Cason’s article illustrates that Dr. Jenson experiments with medical marijuana because she will reap the reward on pay day. The reason Jenson pushed this method of treatment was because she knew the expense at which people will pay to obtain medical marijuana as a pain reliever. Explained by Jessica Marszalek in her writing piece, “hospital authorities later proved very understanding about the booze bill”. Concerning themselves with the best way to keep the tourist’s heart beating, they did not have the time to think about the cost. Or furthermore, what they would get out of saving the tourist like a puppy looking for a treat. Some people might feel the only perk of being a doctor is their fat salaries, but the determination to go through medical school must be sparked by something greater than money.
                    Though some people will never understand the value of life, medical doctors and London’s character, Buck, do. They challenge society to look out for neighbors and stranger alike. Saving lives and saving yourself are both important, and the lengths to achieve those goals are never ending.
    Works Cited
    Cason, Colleen. "Cason: Doctor Put Her Own Life On The Line For Patients." Ventura County Star. 25 Nov. 2007. Web. 15 May 2012. <>.
    Marszalek, Jessica. "Vodka-drip Feed Saves Unconscious Tourist." NewsComAu. Web. 03 May 2012. <>.
    Park, Madison. "Saving a Life: A Doctor's Duty -- a Husband's, Too." CNN. Cable News Network, 05 Mar. 2011. Web. 03 May 2012. <>.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Book Review: The Call of the Wild

", groping in the Arctic darkness, had found a yellow metal, and because steamship and transportation companies were booming the find, thousands of men were rushing into the Northland. These men wanted dogs, and the dogs they wanted were heavy dogs, with strong muscles by which to toil, and furry coats to protect them from the frost." (Ch. 1) This novel consisted of a tale about the gold rush from the point of view of an important part of the movement, but one that is not often considered. Jack London's The Call of the Wild captured me with its powerful story of hardship and determination.

London's style of writing is crucial to how the book is read. He uses anamorphism and tells the story of Buck through the eyes of Buck. The author gives a dog personality, feelings and dreams. "When he moaned and sobbed, it was with the pain of living that was of old the pain of his wild fathers, and the fear and mystery of the cold and dark that was to them fear and mystery."(Ch. 3) He is also very descriptive in the events that take place, such as the fight between Buck and Spitz. "They rolled over and over in the powdery snow. Spitz gained his feet almost as though he had not been overthrown, slashing Buck down the shoulder and leaping clear. Twice his teeth clipped together, like the steel jaws of a trap, as he backed away for better footing, with lean and lifting lips that writhed and snarled. (Ch. 3) Jack London also showed his knowledge of the gold rush and Alaskan weather and geography. "But in the main they were the wild wolf husky breed. Every night, regularly, at nine, at twelve, at three, they lifted a nocturnal song, a weird and eerie chant, in which it was Buck's delight to join." (Ch.3) The point of view and detail made the book come across as more real.

This novel taught that the will to survive is a strong and persistent one, unlike any other. "Dazed, suffering intolerable pain from throat and tongue, with the life half throttled out of him, Buck attempted to face his tormentors." (Ch. 1) Buck kept going even after he was beyond exhausted and ready to give up. Nothing superfluous mattered to him now, his only concern is life. "Something wriggled under his feet. He sprang back, bristling and snarling, fearful of the unseen and unknown. But a friendly little yelp reassured him, and he went back to investigate. A whiff of warm air ascended to his nostrils, and there, curled up under the snow in a snug ball, lay Billee. He whined placatingly, squirmed and wriggled to show his good will and intentions, and even ventured, as a bribe for peace, to lick Buck's face with his warm wet tongue." (Ch. 2) Through the trials Buck went through, he had to look out for the whole team of dogs. They all relied on each other to pull the sled back and forth, if one gave up the workload would increase for the others. This book teaches also that it is important to go after what you want. Buck sets his heart on being the lead dog of the team, but Spitz stands in the way and so Buck kills him.

There are many characters in the book that make an impact in the book. Buck, the main character, obviously was what the story centered on. The events, good and bad, that happen throughout his time in the wild. But Buck was neither house-dog nor kennel-dog. The whole realm was his." (Ch. 1) Hal, Mercedes, and Charles are the image of "bad" or "evil" in this book. They are inarticulate to peoples warnings and mistreat the dogs and overwork them until many die off, and the few left are too weak to even move. "The Outside dogs, whose digestions had not been trained by chronic famine to make the most of little, had voracious appetites. And when, in addition to this, the worn-out huskies pulled weakly, Hal decided that the orthodox ration was too small. He doubled it. And to cap it all, when Mercedes, with tears in her pretty eyes and a quaver in her throat, could not cajole him into giving the dogs still more, she stole from the fish-sacks and fed them slyly. But it was not food that Buck and the huskies needed, but rest. And though they were making poor time, the heavy load they dragged sapped their strength severely." (Ch. 5) John Thornton, some would say, is the projection of "good" in the book. Buck and him share a special bond of love and they would sacrifice anything for each other. John saved his life once, and Buck continues to try and make it up to him the rest of his life. "Love, genuine passionate love, was his for the first time. This he had never experienced at Judge Miller's down in the sun-kissed Santa Clara Valley. With the Judge's sons, hunting and tramping, it had been a working partnership; with the Judge's grandsons, a sort of pompous guardianship; and with the Judge himself, a stately and dignified friendship. But love that was feverish and burning, that was adoration, that was madness, it had taken John Thornton to arouse." (Ch. 6) The characters described all contribute to the passion and emotion that the book conveys.

This novel is an interesting and suspenseful one at times. If people enjoy stories of hardship and overcoming those trials then I would recommend this book to them.

Essay Summary

“Man is the only creature that refuses to be what he is.” –Albert Camus. When asked what it means to be human, most people think it’s the physical qualities that set us apart. In the video “What Does It Mean to Be Human?” posted on YouTube, most surveyed people were dumbfounded when answering the question. Meanwhile some people argued that human’s opposable thumbs make them unique. I, however, knew there had to be more to be a deeper answer. Being Human means being able to show or communicate emotion and having a unique personality.

Humans are an amazing species. They express and communicate what they feel towards others. Whether through words or actions, people have the capabilities to tell people when we are angry or full of joy or jealous or surprised. People have a wide range of emotions while animals are left with either being happy or mad. Our brains are complex worlds of intelligence and feelings that are far greater than any other creature. Animals do not have relationships with one another, they reproduce for the sole purpose of keeping
PBut whether they hide the differences or love them, each person has something no one else has. Physical appearance differences are also very defined in humans. In Mary Shelley’s novel, Frankenstein, the monster was made up of different pieces of already dead people. This made him a copy of a previous life lived and therefore not human. What makes us human is the fact that we are each new creations by God, giving us qualities that other people do not possess.


Some might argue that animals do love and care and express emotions, but in ways humans are not able to see. Not all animals leave their mate, but instead continue to bear offspring with the same partner. Jonathon Balcombie told a story about two birds in his book Pleasurable Kingdom that gently swept their bills through one another’s feathers and it was “pleasurable for both giver and receiver as a massage or caress between two humans.” Although we cannot understand their language, animals are able to understand how people feel and react according to what they see. While animals may have these feelings and emotions, people are not able to tell if they are as deep and abiding as human ones. They are also not all going to stand by their mate in life or death situations, like humans would when they love someone.

Though human beings are exceptional creatures, many people still view them as being an animal like any other, so science says. However, the evidence shown proves people have a deeper capacity for emotion and individuality. Thus, a human cannot really be defined and categorized, because of their rare characteristics.


My name is Phoebe the cat
Sometimes I wonder how it became that
I have a sister named Lucy
And two brothers named Fred
My name is Phoebe the cat

I like to play outside
With the smell of the freshly mowed grass
And beetles I can chase in the garden
I run in the sprinklers in the summer
with a vicarious whim to be free
And pounce on the leaves in the fall
I like to play outside

I take naps all day
While I’m home alone
I find warm sunny spots by the open window
And curl up in a ball to rest
Escaping to dreams of catnip and yarn
I take naps all day

My name is Phoebe the cat
I like to play outside
I take naps all day
My name is Phoebe the cat

The Zeal to Survive

When put into a life or death situation, the animal instinct is to do anything they can to come out alive in the end. The zeal to survive is a powerful one, and facing death is the ultimate motivation.

Titanic, the ocean liner, a said to be majestic ship, but would one day go down in history as a disastrous event. An “unsinkable” invention that would change the way we travel some thought. The captain promised faster, and bigger than ever before and now today people are remembering it, not because of the pace at which it cut through the waters, but the deaths it took as it sunk to the ocean floor. On that April 15, 1912 one-hundred years ago, the passengers of RMS Titanic fought for their lives. They were in utter panic and overwhelmed with morose as they literally felt the water rising and sinking the ship. In the intensity of it all the line between morals and the will to survive got blurred. People would do anything to stay alive, even if the actions put others’ lives at risk.

London, in the book The Call of The WIld, shows just how much not only humans but, animals as well will go to hold on to life. After the dogs were worked to practically death and starved that still kept going because they would not give up and throw in the towel. Death was not an option in their book, they went through the turmoil because they valued the time they spent on earth.

The reaction of all animals is to put your own life first and do anything to save it. What would you go through before you accepted death?

Friday, March 16, 2012

What Does Being Human Mean?

Being Human means being able to show or communicate emotion, and having deep love for another being.

Humans are a unique and amazing species. They express and communicate what they feel towards others. Whether through words or actions, people have the capabilities to tell people when we are angry or full of joy or jealous or surprised. People have a wide range of emotions while animals are left with either being happy or mad. Our brains are complex worlds of intelligence and feelings that are far greater than any other creature. Animals do not have relationships with one another, they reproduce for the sole purpose of keeping their species from becoing extinct.

Homo sapians are the only animals that can  truely love someone else. When they find that one person in life who "completes" them they are cannot imagine themselves with anyone else. Then they continue to have children and grow old together until the day they die. No other animal has that commitment to start a family and stay with them for life. That passionate love for another is a major difference between humans and other living things.


Animals do love and care and express emotions, but in ways humans are not able to see. Not all animals leave their mate, but instead continue to bear offspring with the same partner. Although we cannot understand their language, animals are able to understand how people feel and react according to what they see.

Frankenstein Paragraph- Defend the monster as being more human than Frankenstein

The monster is more human, because it was not the monster's fault he was created. He did not ask for his fate but was forced into misery by his "father".

The monster was created and left alone with no one to teach it. He had no guidance to learn the language or culter, but instead taught himself. Humans learn from experience and teach themselves all the time. Frankenstein, however, did not care who he had to hurt to get the glory. He used his knowledge to create a being that would ruin his life, therefore becoming his own monster. He was totally emmersed in his studies that he ignored his friends and family. Human beings need fellowship and people so they aren't lonely.

When the monster killed William, Justine, Henry, and Elizabeth, he felt the guilt with each murderous act. He also felt remorse after and apologized for his brutal acts. Each time though, Frankenstein refused to admit to his crimes and tell anyone that he was at fault. He never manned up and took the consequences for creating the beast.

Franstein's monster did some pretty cruel things, but still acted more human-like than Frankenstein, even though he was the one with a face of a monster.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Frankenstein: Would you create life?

No, if I was given the power to, I would not create life like Frankenstein did.

God made this world and all things in it. If we try copying his gifts such as life, then we are disrespecting Him. By attempting to "breathe life" into creations, we are also trying to be on the same level of His power. We have no right to imitate human life..anything that would result would be like a fake Coach purse, to everyone else it would look the same but really it would not have the same value and quality.

Another reason I would not follow in Frankenstein's footsteps, is because I would be frightened of the unknown. Would all my work pay off? What would the repercussions be? How would my invention affect the lives of people on earth? Without knowing the answers to all these questions I would not feel comfortable creating a life.

After deciding to respect God and to not release a mystery of a creature on the world, my answer remains the same. Examining my reasons for not creating a fake life, power to do so would be of no use to me.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


A woman in the days of Mary Shelly, the early 1800s, was not given many oppurtunities to succeed. Shelly not only went above and beyond what people expected, but at a young age wrote such a compelling novel that Frankenstein is still studied in schools and considered a classic.

In a way, man can create life because new lives are being created everyday through birth. Artificailly creating a a human being, though, I think is impossible..God created us, and man thinking they can copy or clone His work is repugnant.

I do not believe that you can live forever on earth or immortality. Nothing you own, such as the sorcerers stone, can protect you from death. I do, however, believe in eternal life after death in heaven.

All people have monsters inside them. Internal and External monsters. Internal monsters may include degrading yourself or others, mental illnesses or any other monster compromising your mind. Drugs, alcohol, even food for some people can be an external monster. Anything you can become addicted to has the ability to grow into a monster inside of you.

Monday, January 9, 2012

2012 Theme Word


I chose this word because I want to be able to speak my mind easily and freely without being worried what other people think. I have always been somewhat a people pleaser, the person who lets other people have it their way so they will not get angry and get into an argument. I want people to remember and admire me for strong views, not the pushover that had no opinion.

If I could make myself be more outspoken, everyone would be able to see my personality better, whether they like it or not. Although rare, you can have an opinion and express it, without being rude and disrespectful. Listen to the opposing argument, ask questions, get some perspective and then add my ideas without hesitation. Instead of agreeing with everyone all the time I can hold true to what I believe and go after what I want.

People are not always going to agree with you, and because of this, you will have enemies. Everyone has those people that are not going to like you for what you believe buts that is life, and no matter how hard you try you cannot make everyone happy.